The 1585 started,
it was
going to be the political
website that wrote about ideas instead of people. The one
that got all smart about the philosophy
behind the
Culture War,
instead of simply dogging after every new tidbit in the
he-said-she-said of one
scandal after another.
once in a while, though, writing about a specific
person can’t be helped, because the person is
the issue. Sure,
you can try to
wink-and-nod it with no names, but you end up sounding like a British
tabloid journalist
trying to get around some weird law.
And so,
after three weeks of
deliberation, I say: Fine.
Sarah Palin. You
are the first specific politician
that 1585 has
written an entire
essay about, and only the second specific person. (The
first? Paris
down, I guess I always
knew I would have to write a
Palin essay — but I didn’t want to do so right away. The 1585 has
always been
more interested in
coming up with the last word on something than the first. And
aside from pointing
out that Palin was a
pandering stunt necessary to shake up a race that McCain was definitely
to lose (remember him? the guy ostensibly at the top
of the GOP ticket?) and/or photoshopping funny jpegs about her
pregnant kid, there wasn’t a whole lot to say early
on — at least not that
everyone else on the ol’ series-of-tubes wasn’t
already saying. As
we see it, here’s where we’re joining the
One: Palin
gets the nod. The
left shits its pants when they see McCain
has picked a woman and tries to blitz, painting her as comically
underqualified, borderline-retarded, and
“obviously” the biggest joke/blunder
in running-mate history, and trying to make everything that looked even
like a possible scandal stick at once.
didn’t work, but hell, it’s
the play I would have called.
Two: As
always happens when we try to lead by
talking about how stupid someone is, Palin benefits from both low
expectations and sympathy,
making nation jizz itself with surprise and relief upon learning she
can put a
Three: The
right charges through that opening,
painting all the initial attacks as simple sexism and/or regionalism. The
media go along with
this in order to sell
more magazines to imbeciles for a week or so, but then the right gets
cocky and
gives Palin a wider tether, blowing her minivan-mom cover and revealing
her to
be an extremist street-brawler.
Four: Once
more info comes out about what Palin actually believes, b)
she bites the bag and steps out the door in her debutante ball
with Charlie Gibson, and c)
start remembering what happened the last
time the left tried to warn them that someone was an idiot and they
listen, all the initial concerns finally start to look fair, and the
bounce bounces out. The
Repubs are
currently letting Palin play Nixon-style enforcer to free up
McCain to
Be Like
Ike, and praying that a)
stops sucking at Being Like Ike, and b)
a buttload of women who do
not pay
attention to anything at all ever
wake up on Election Day and
go “Hey,
look, it’s a woman!”
realize that, over the last
three weeks, many of you may
have been expecting a Palin essay from me.
of you who are familiar with the sort of thing I normally write
about may have been expecting one so
much that, when one didn’t appear, you thought something had
happened to me and
were worried. If
so, I'm sorry.
during that time, a strange
and interesting thing
happened: I got emails from a fair number of people
who assumed I liked
Sarah Palin. My
reaction to this
was… well, a lot
Cartman’s when people assumed he thought Family
Guy was funny.
the people who thought
this of me have obviously
been reading the site drunk, or just skipping around to all the parts
about being
sexy or something. And
they’ve ended up
with a conclusion about The 1585 that rests on the fallacy of affirming
the consequent: Yes,
I have argued that people shouldn’t
automatically think that hot
women are dumb — but that doesn’t mean you should
think they’re not
dumb. Yes, I have
women who are tough
and sexy at the same time should be admired for being tough and sexy at
same time — but I never
said that this
outweighs all other possible concerns. For example, if a
who was tough and
sexy at the same time put sugar in my gas tank, filled my apartment
poisonous snakes, and stabbed me a bunch of times, guess what? I
would still
be pissed at her, even if
she had
done these things in a tough and sexy manner.
Both for
her own sake, and for
the extent to which she
contributes to awareness that such things are possible, I am sincerely
that Governor Palin once single-handedly won a rugby match against six
bears while wearing five-inch heels and a self-tanned moosehide sports
bra, and
afterwards still had enough energy leftover to cook up a mess
o’ flapjacks for
the posse about to set off after the varmints what robbed the
stagecoach, or
whatever the hell she did. Really
truly, I am. I
think this is cool, and
in the absence of other concerns I would be swayed by it. And
you can give me a call
just as soon as we are
in the
absence of other
but so far we are not, and I am not holding my breath for a time when
we will
Now, on
the other hand, does
the fact that I really, really
want McCain/Palin to lose mean
that I am going to betray core
1585 principles and start looking the
way about anti-hot-woman prejudice just because it might be
advantageous to our
short-term interests? No. The
fact that hot women
are not only not necessarily
dumber, but frequently
ALWAYS) than average, is as core a 1585 principle
as any, and yes, I
the protection of this principle even to Sarah Palin.
anti-hot-woman prejudice is
a big part of what’s got me
so pissed here, because Palin’s pick simply highlights the
GOP’s hypocrisy on
that front. They
pass over a bunch of
Republican women who have paid way more dues to get to the pretty one,
instruct all their pocket-pundit hatchet-parrots to wax on about what a
she is? Can you fucking imagine
how they would
react if the Democrats
did that?! They’d
the “Hollywood”
pick and offer it up as proof that the Donkey is all about trying to
get your
teenage daughters to prance around half-naked and take it up the butt.* FOX
News would simply turn
into a picture of
the candidate with the word SLUT
superimposed over it 24 hours a day in flashing red letters.
*(Granted, I am trying
to do this, but that doesn’t mean the
Democratic Party is.)
But when they
it, it’s fine. Just
like how actors have
no place butting into politics unless their name is John Wayne or
Reagan, and neither do musicians unless they’re country
musicians, in which
case we should all stand
up when their
shitty song comes on as if it were the national fucking anthem.
Ironically, because
they’re the side that hates sex, being
a far-right lunatic is the only
way to
get away with being a
“babe.” The
people who would normally be
the ones
making the slut jokes change
their stripes, and suddenly
you’re a “brassy
dame” getting fawned over in Mickey-Spillane-speak.
regardless, none of this
means that Sarah Palin herself
is stupid. You
should definitely not think that Sarah Palin is stupid just
because she
likes to rock the
heels and show off the sweater-huskies and was almost Miss Alaska
and used to have big ’80s hair.
should think
she’s stupid because she fucking
believes that dinosaurs and cavemen
lived at the same fucking time.
some Liberals who try to
argue this will be accused of secretly
thinking that Sarah Palin is
dumb because she’s hot and constructing a surrogate argument
about thinking
she’s dumb for some other reason.
you know what? In
my case, I humbly
suggest to those who are familiar with my previous work that, regarding
believed when I say that I don’t
think someone is stupid because they’re attractive, but do
think they’re stupid because
they’re a religious fundamentalist,
my record bears me out.
But the
“pretty women are dumb” stereotype isn’t
most dangerous one currently drawing its power from Palin, much as
Antaeus did
from the Earth.* No,
it’s the more
complex one that begins by (as most pro-dumb stereotypes do) replacing
terms “dumb” and “smart” with
“common-sense” and “nerdy,” and
ends by asserting
that pretty
women with common sense are
Conservatives and ugly nerdy women are Liberals.
didn’t I
just say
Superman does from the sun,” since it would have meant the
same exact thing and
people would have understood it? Because
I felt like talking over people’s heads, that’s why.
is why it’s
very important for us to remember — and
to keep reminding everyone — that Liberal chicks are actually
much hotter than
Conservative chicks. Sure, some
Conservative chicks
are the kind who’re rich
and live in a city and are all “Ooooh, I’m a bitch
and my shoes are expensive
and blah blah blah crybabies should have to work for
me,” but buttloads more — including Sarah
Palin — are
Conservative because they're Christian fucking
fundamentalists, and
Christian fundamentalists
are overwhelmingly alarmingly, incalculably hideous.
Seriously, they are the least attractive
people in the whole country, and Governor Palin is a statistical
anomaly. Sarah
Palin is to Christian fundamentalists
re attractiveness as Yao
Ming is to
Chinese people re height.

You think
trivial to ride this point? Oh,
sorry. I was under
the impression that
Americans occasionally form political identities based on trivial
things. But now
that you’ve told me this isn’t true,
I’ll start talking about the Bridge to Nowhere instead,
because everyone cares
so much. Thanks.
this point, I’m
starting so sound like the danger is
that male
voters who
don’t normally
sleep beneath the GOP tent will be lured in by Palin and her creamy
milkshake. But I think we all know that this isn’t
what we’re up against. The
real risk, of course, is that
McCain/Palin will attract women. But
Like a
lot of you, for a while
I thought Obama should have
picked a woman running mate. Not
I was scared that Hillary supporters would defect to McCain, since I
think this
alleged phenomenon was basically made up by GOP strategists who
apparently all
read The Secret
and figured they
could make it happen just by believing it would.
like Common Men in Wordsworth Poems,
disgruntled Hillary defectors are people I keep hearing
there are lots of without ever managing to actually meet
one (the people who claim
to be
them in comment threads are
obviously just Republican trolls pretending
to be them — so remember, just like in countless other
situations you find yourself in on the
internet, that
is not actually a woman).
No, I
think the Hillary people
are safe. I mean,
shitloads of the Hillary people I
knew were Hillary people in the first place not just because
she’s a woman, but
because they knew Hillary would piss
Conservatives way more
Obama would (I myself was the
Hillary-to-Obama convert among my friends, solely for this reason), so
it seems
unlikely that they’ll align themselves with the Conservatives
two months after
their top
priority was
them off for
the sake of pissing
them off.
admittedly, this
would have been pretty sweet, but in the end Obama was just too
problem, I think,
isn’t women who actively
wanted Hillary — it’s women who passively
wanted Hillary.
who, when it comes to politics, care very
little and know even
less — who tend to agree with the majority on every issue, and
usually just
change the subject or leave the room whenever politics comes up because
quote, “don’t like it when people try to influence
people and stuff.”
of course, the risk with these women
is that they won’t vote at all. You
remember them from 2004 (when they were allegedly going to vote for
having been instructed to by their god-queen, Jennifer Aniston) as the
you had to be physically restrained from strangling after they came up
to you
on November 3rd
and said “Oh
my Gaaaaaad, I
was tooooootally going to vote, but I was going to go vote with
and Steeeeeeeeeph, and we were going to have bruuuuuunch first, but
Kristieeeeeeeee couldn’t make bruuuuuunch, so we
didn’t vooooooooote.”
Hillary had gotten the
nom, a lot of these women
would have voted for Hillary (and then, if Hillary had won, come up to
you the
next day and made fun of you, acting under the assumption that you
didn’t want
Hillary to win because you’re a man, and then after you
explained that you in
fact did want Hillary to win because you’re a Democrat, and
that you voted for
her and even campaigned for her, not
understood you and kept making fun of you anyway, probably while
singing some
fucking Beyoncé song).
And if
Obama had picked a woman
running mate, a lot of them
would have voted for Obama solely for that reason.
of course, the risk is that they will
vote GOP because of Sarah Palin. I
wish to be unfair to these women, so I have done some personal research
their thought processes on this front.
as near as I have been able to discern through
some weeks of
inquiry, it is as follows, presented in its entirety: “Oh
my Gaaaaaad,
Sarah Paaaaaalin! I
bet she looooooves
chocolate, and haaaaaates Mondays, and is toooooooootally addicted to Greeeeeey’s,
just like meeeeee,
that right, Mister [name
of cat]?”
when Obama picked
Biden, I certainly wasn’t pissed
or scared. I was
happy. I like Biden. I
think he’s
personable and honest, and I
like that he gets pissed off
about stuff that people should
pissed off about. And
I liked that every
time you saw him during the convention he was flashing a crazy smile
and doin’
the finger-gun thing at people. He
reminds me of the Fonz, or possibly Snoopy in those strips from the
early ’80s
where he put on sunglasses and became “Joe Cool.”
think that after Obama
wins, Biden should
get some big shades and a skateboard and start referring to himself as
“VP Joey
McCain picked Palin, of
course, I was pissed — at myself. It
seemed like I
hadn’t had a conversation
about anything besides VP
picks for the previous three months, and yet somehow, neither I nor any
of my
friends had managed to form the exact sentence “Obama
has to pick a woman, because if he doesn’t then McCain will
a woman and we will be in deep shit.”
But eventually
—proving that hindsight is not
in fact always 20/20 — I realized what
was wrong
with that sentence: it
assumes that McCain still
picked Palin, even
if Obama had
picked a woman first.
But I
don’t think
this would have been the case. Sure,
after Obama doesn’t pick a woman and
then McCain does, it looks like Obama should have — but then it
dawns on you (or
it should) that if Obama had
woman, McCain would have picked not
woman but another
white dude, and
then run a totally
different campaign,
relying on the hatchet-men in the conservative media to paint the
diverse Dem
ticket as the special-rights-affirmative-action-P.C.-Police, in a
fuck-you to the very demographic that, as it happens, he is currently
I defy
you to tell me
I’m wrong.
there was simply a huge
disadvantage to picking
first. It was like
a game of
scisssors-rocks-paper where, instead of throwing your hands out at the
time, you have to throw yours out first and then the other guy gets to
about it for a week.
tried explaining
this to the women who are leaning
towards McCain because of Palin, but… well, they
don’t really understand me.
So then
I try pointing out that
Palin thinks dinosaurs and
cavemen lived at the same time.
But that
backfires, because it
turns out that women who like
Palin also
think dinosaurs and
cavemen lived at the same time.
because they’re
religious, but just because they’re
really stupid.
So I try
explaining in a nice
way that the last dinosaurs
(or, to be precise, non-avian
dinosaurs, since, cladistically speaking, birds are technically
dinosaurs) died
62.5 million years before the appearance of anything that could even
be referred to as a human.
And then they ask
me what
I “have against birds.” I
am not sure why.
even though the Palin
bounce is dying down, we still
need an anti-Palin counter to use on these women.
tend to be low-information voters, so they
won’t be aware of just how extreme Palin’s
positions really are — and more
importantly, they might not
believe you
when you tell them. You
see, some people just have
a hard time believing that women can be batshit-insane
arch-conservatives. If
Sarah Palin believed all the same stuff
but were a man, people would be comparing her to Hitler twenty-four
hours a
day. She is farther
to the right than
Rick Santorum, for fuck’s sake.
that? People have
trouble comparing other conservative women to Hitler — Ann Coulter, for
example? True.
But Ann Coulter is a skinny
blonde. People
have no trouble
believing that skinny
blondes can be evil. Think
about all the
major female far-right pundits who actually get called out on being
psychopaths — they are all
blondes. Sarah
Palin, on the other hand,
is a curvy brunette — and not only that, but a curvy brunette
who wears
glasses… which
means she could
basically behead an abortion doctor with a samurai sword on live TV and
tons of
people would still think she was a centrist.
talking about how
terrible on “women’s issues”
Palin is won’t even make a dent with the type of women we
have to worry about
here, since they’re precisely the ones who are scared to call
feminists. We need
an angle that will
make these women dislike Palin, and it has to be as uncomplicated and
emotional as the reasons they like her in the first place.
solution? We ride
the polar-bear thing. Hard.

not kidding.
on it.
In the next
few weeks I want to
see the internet littered with heartbreaking lolpolarbearz.
I think Palin had
something to do with
that whole shooting-wolves-from-helicopters thing, so you might want to
in some bullet-riddled lolwolfz too. I
think we all know what type of woman is at risk of being swayed by
presence on the GOP ticket, and I think we all know that this is how to
them where they live.
else are we
going to talk about — the fact that she tried to get her
sister’s ex-husband
that’ll just make them like
her more.
But even this might
not be
enough. I
think you
know as well as I do how many
women there are, even among “high-information”
voters, who seriously
believe that all the
fucking problems of the world would instantly, magically be solved
if a woman were President (which a Vice President still in her
mid-40s would be in a pretty good position to eventually be). The
“do you
really think we’re this dumb?”
liberal blogosphere may be overly optimistic in assuming that
women’s answer to
the question “would you want there to be a woman president
even if she disagreed
with you on most issues?” is broadly “no.” I
fear it may
(albeit, in many cases, secretly) very
broadly be “yes.”
So why hasn’t the
right put a woman on the ticket
before? As I tried
to point out in
college, they were waiting. Like
would with a savings bond or a bottle of fine wine, the right was
waiting for
the identity-politics left to mature.
then, once there were enough generations of people on our side who had
trained since birth to vote for a woman simply because she’s
a woman (just
like, you know, Gloria Steinem explicitly told us to
back in
January… Oops! Thanks
a lot, Gloria!),
they would start running
women themselves,
thereby getting all of their own side plus about one-third of ours.
What’s that? You
I was so obviously right about this that everyone must have heard me
out fully
and then thanked me profusely for helping so much, and that
there’s no possible
way they could have just called me a sexist and told me to shut up?
Let me tell you
about a place
called college.
Anyway, what this
means is that
trumpeting the “John McCain
is old and might die” angle, like we were doing back when we
thought Palin’s
lack of experience was our ace, is in fact a very, very
bad idea. At least,
far as women are concerned. As
far as
right-leaning men
are concerned,
however, it is an awesome idea.
So how do we
negotiate this? Watch
First off, to all American
women over the age of eighteen, I
say: There
is absolutely no chance that John McCain will die. None.
know he is 72 years old, but he is as strong as a
fucking ox. Two
weeks ago in Scranton,
he lifted a goddamn VW bug
right up over his head and threw it at a helicopter.
McCain could not die if he tried
to die. In fact, I
have it on good authority that
John McCain is a Highlander, and that the rumors of his bouts with
cancer were
created to defuse suspicion of this.
being said…
all right-leaning males
who are concerned about Sarah Palin’s lack of experience, be
advised that John
McCain will almost certainly die any second now.
man is 72 years old for fuck’s sake,
the unimaginable stress of those years as a POW must have taken its
toll. John McCain
sheds clouds of dust behind him
as he walks. He
comically struggles to
lift common office implements, in the manner of Mr. Burns. If
you get close enough to
John McCain in the
right light, you can actually see
him as if he
were a character in
a Back
to the Future
movie who
unwittingly just caused the past
versions of his
own parents to have a big fight with each other.
old bastard is obviously going to drop
dead ten minutes after taking office, and then that grinning arctic
Sarah Palin will be the most powerful human being on the face of the
earth. You
don’t want that. Doesn’t
she remind you of your friend’s mom
when you were a kid who was always walking back and forth past the door
of his
room for no reason and being all “What are you boys up to in
there?” when you weren’t
even doing anything?
does, right?
Now, if and when
McCain — who, remember, is
likely immortal
— loses,
there is a damn good chance
Sarah Palin will end up at the top of the GOP ticket in 2012.
other stars will they
have? This past
season proved that the evangelicals
are not having any of Romney and Giuliani, and as for Mike Huckabee,
he shares their values, he was apparently simply not
enough of a dick
for them.
the folks who are supposedly all about the
teachings and example of
Jesus, it is not enough that a candidate believes
what they believe — he or she has to have game when it comes to shit-talking
people who don’t.
didn’t, but Palin does, in spades.
So unless Huck gets
’roids, the most likely scenario for a
DeceptiCon ticket without Palin at the top would be for some
charismatic centrist
to be popular enough to absorb the hit of an evangelical boycott. And
the best chance for
that happening
is… that’s
right, Amend for Arnold.
Now, is all that
clear? Here’s
a recap:
vote for McCain/Palin, because there’s a good chance that if
the woman Vice-President
thing doesn’t work out for them, the GOP will run her for
actual President in
four years, and you’d like that even better, right?
who like McCain,
you should also not vote for him, because if he loses there’s
a good chance
that the Constitution will get fucked with so the Republicans can run Arnold,
and you’d like that even better, right?
who just want something funny to happen,
do everything in
your power to make
McCain/Palin lose, since this will lead to an Arnold
vs. Palin GOP primary in 2012, which will be the funniest shit ever.
So, moving along, I…
Hold up a minute. Is
what I’m doing here okay? I’ve
spent a
lot of this essay ripping on women who might be moved to vote for
solely on account of the whole woman thing.
I’m a dude. Am I
really in a
position to dismiss that? After
Camille herself (despite having made it clear that she is voting for
opined last week that “Palin has made the biggest step
forward in feminism
since Madonna.” So
maybe I should try to
be a little more…
Wait — Camille said
fuck it,
she’s just lost her mind
time. I can only
assume that Camille
thinks the second-biggest
forward in feminism since Madonna was that Sandra Bullock
she’s a cop who goes undercover in a beauty pageant and ends
up finding not
only the bad guys, but… herself.
Would you like me
to concede
that, on some
levels, with regard
to certain
things, any
female president would
help move women forward? Fine. Camille
is, I guess, right
to point out that
it is myopic of certain feminists to act like a woman achieving
something only
helps women if the
woman who
achieved it is a Liberal. I
mean, Elizabeth
I of England was beneficial as a feminist role model, and she fucking
made it
punishable by hanging for Irish people to own musical
instruments — which is,
you’ve gotta admit, probably more evil than anything Sarah
Palin is planning on
doing. Even if all
a woman president
managed to do was not
hide under
desk and cry when some military shit happened, she would have quashed
stupid “Can a woman be commander-in-chief?”
concern*, which would be a big
help. Would this,
however, be worth the
very real risk of Roe
v. Wade
would she? The
right is the sexist
half of the country,
and even though it is in their interest to suspend such rhetoric while
got a woman on their ticket, will that really mean it’s gone
for good? Even if
Palin ends up President someday, the
right will just go back to saying the most sexist shit imaginable as
soon as
the Democrats run a woman. I
think the
fact that they still claim to be more responsible with money even after
nation just saw with its own eyes a two-term Democrat who left us with
biggest budget surplus in history succeeded by a two-term Republican
who turned
it into the biggest deficit in history pretty much proves that they
will just
fucking say whatever they want… Why
for being the
ones who made it so
hard for a woman to rise to that
level in the first place, especially
if they’re just going to go back
doing so?)
Yes, with regard to
advancement of any marginalized
group, image is incalculably important.
figures who allow the society to look at
that demographic in a
new way can shake things up a lot via a few iconic moments here and
there. But image is
not all-important. If
someone is going to be in charge of a
bunch of really important shit, there are concerns aside from their
ability to
do the female equivalent of looking into the camera and going
“They call meeee Mistah
To be honest — to
be as
fair as I can possibly be here, so
that no-one can say that I wasn’t — I guess
there’s no way I can know how women
feel. I simply have
no door into the
question “Would I want a member of my particular marginalized
group to become
president, the first one from our group and possibly the only shot I
have at
seeing this in my lifetime, even if this person disagreed with my
It’s not that I
don’t belong to any marginalized
groups. I’m
an atheist, of course, and as most of you probably already know,
atheists are
in fact the most
discriminated-against group in terms of who Americans would or would
support for president. But
since this is
a minority of opinion,
and not of birth,
there sort of is
no way for an atheist to not
share my deepest beliefs. I
mean, my main beefs with Palin are the fact
that she wants Creationism taught in schools and opposes abortion even
in cases
of rape and incest, and these are positions that tend not to pop up
atheists. Someone
who is “like me” in that
way is almost certainly “like me”
in the others too.
But then, all that
being as it
may, this woman fucking
believes that
dinosaurs and cavemen
lived at the same fucking time.
And John McCain
(remember him?)
isn’t much better.
McCain, for
example, is wholly
unaware that Velociraptor,
depicted in the 1993
film Jurassic
Park, bore a far
resemblance to the then-current idea of Deinonychus
than to Velociraptor
itself, and
that, in the years since Jurassic
a consensus has been reached that both Velociraptor
and Deinonychus
feathered — almost
certainly, in the case of Deinonychus,
and beyond all doubt in the case of Velociraptor,
quill knobs having been found on the forearm of an especially
Mongolian specimen in September 2007.
less forgivably, John McCain also thinks that Dimetrodon
and Edaphosaurus
were dinosaurs, even though they lived during the Permian period and
synapsid openings.
McCain/Palin: Wrong
on dinosaurs. Wrong
for America.
But if McCain/Palin
end up winning on the votes of the masses of unremarkable, flatliner,
politically illiterate women, there will be one silver lining, however
thin: Women will no
longer be able to
say that they are more mature
men. Ever. The
idea that women are
inherently more progressive,
more tolerant,
more concerned with or in touch
with the things that really
matter — that
in any
argument between a woman and
a man
about anything,
“everybody knows”
that the woman is the one who’s really
right — will have been utterly and permanently vaporized in a
conflagration of
unprecedented inanity.
What will these
women be able
to say after they have done
this? “Whatever!
Sure we extended the
of the most
disastrous regime in American history, rewarded borderline-retarded,
religious lunatics with even more power, widened the gap between rich
and poor wider
than it has even been and perhaps irrevocably, and given our blessing
to a
state of apparently permanent war in the Mideast, all just because we
the phrase ‘hockey mom’ was cute… but men
are the immature ones, because
they still play video games when they’re thirty?”
Sorry. No dice.
this time. So be
advised, all you Cathy-clipping,
baby-talking, cat-calendar-hanging,
workout-tape-buying-and-then-never-using Hummel-suckers: You
elevate the
far-right zombie Sarah Palin to the vice-presidency — and yes,
quite possibly
subsequently to the presidency — or you can continue to be
assumed to be “mature”
and right about everything all the time.
cannot have both.
But why do I bother
them? These women
are just about the last people in
the nation who would read The 1585 (I tried putting
those polar-bear
jpegs on
icanhascheeseburger.com, but they wouldn’t take them).
is up to those of us
who are
here to disseminate these
memes as
effectively as we can.
And with any luck,
November 4th, Kristieeeeeeeee will
have to bail on brunch again.
